Base Law gives senior private practice lawyers collegiality and collaboration while allowing them autonomy.  Through the shared use of an established business infrastructure and legal platform they can quickly establish their own practice – all with wraparound support within the Base Law umbrella.

Below Base Lawyers share their own thoughts on our how they find working at Base Law.

Being a Base Lawyer gives me autonomy, collegial and administrative support, flexibility and job satisfaction by providing the best service I can to clients.

As a Base Lawyer I am effectively working for myself which allows me to time my work hours around my other commitments for the week. With young children, older parents and community commitments this flexibility is a huge benefit.

The Base Law infrastructure provides me with all I need for my practice allowing me to focus on my clients’ needs. The practice management system, AML software, shared access to resources and trust accounting is all taken care of for me. Online monthly meetings assist in best using those systems and noting changes/upgrades. I also work from home and am mobile, meaning I don’t have a commute and can visit clients at their homes and workplaces if they don’t want to come to me – clients appreciate this aspect of the service. To top it off, the collegial atmosphere amongst the Base Lawyers is supportive and fun.

Rosie Fleming

Becoming a Base Lawyer has undoubtedly been the best decision I have made for both my family and my career. Having worked in a private practice for many years I was struggling with the elements of work and life balance whilst still trying to progress to a partnership level.

As a Base Lawyer I am effectively practising on my account, which allows me to better focus on my client’s needs without the need to worry about firms’ expectations with attaining targets in order to be successful at my job. I enjoy the relationship that is formed with my clients, being able to meet them at a time and place that suits them. Having a young family, the flexibility with being a Base Lawyer is for me the absolute best part and the Base Law model idealises all of what I wanted to achieve.

Suzie, the founder is extremely supportive, approachable and friendly and my fellow base lawyers are equally the same. Despite working remotely, I still do very much feel a part of the team.

Belinda Williams

Working at Base Law has allowed my family law practice to flourish. I have absolute freedom to increase or reduce work as best fits my circumstances. By working at Base Law my clients get better legal outcomes and a ‘wrap around’ service as I can work as a team or refer them to other Base Lawyers when they need to sort out other legal issues.

The founder of Base Law, Suzie, is very responsive to any queries, lovely to deal with and super efficient at managing the tech, insurance and trust account. I can get on with what I am best at – advising and helping my family law clients.

Although we are working remotely, I feel part of a team. Suzie puts considerable effort into ensuring that Base Law is a community. We have regular team meetings and catch-ups e.g. meeting for coffee or Base Law events. I am really happy to be working with Suzie and the team at Base Law.

Jane Zohrab

The juggle had been taking its toll. I was trying to work out how to stay in private practice, and be there for my 3 young children, have fun with my friends and serve my community. I thought that maybe I couldn’t make it work after all, and was about to give up on being a lawyer – a job that I loved and had worked hard at for many years. I just didn’t have the time and inclination anymore to work a law firm’s schedule.

Then I came across Base Law, a model that appeared to do away with those elements of working in a traditional firm that I found frustrating. Base Law seemed to focus on the best parts (for me) about being a lawyer – the relationship with clients and the value and peace of mind you get to bring to people’s lives. As a bonus, I wouldn’t have to set up a whole new practice and do it alone. I slowly realised that I could still be a lawyer, and have a full life, and actually enjoy it!

I’m happy to say that this way of working has made a huge difference to my family’s wellbeing, my clients are more than happy, and I’m grateful for the freedom I enjoy each day.

Georgia Read

Base Lawyers are the Spartans of the legal profession. Well trained and experienced with innovation the driving force behind the delivery of services.

I find the Base law model (and lawyers) flexible, adaptable and accommodating. Very glad I made the change and joined the Base Law team.

Nic Eketone-TeKanawa

0508 227 3529

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