John Appleby


John brings more than three decades of resolving disputes and negotiating to his primary role working in the field of relationship property division.  He has had extensive court experience both defending and prosecuting, and running complex civil cases.  This includes a decade working in the Cook Islands and Tonga. 

John brings people together in commercial and family relationships and also helps parties to disengage when those relationships no longer serve them well.  He has owned and managed 2 medium sized law firms and knows how to get things done, and how to manage complex projects.

John’s passion is to work in the process of Collaborative Resolution where everyone agrees at the outset not to threaten to go to court, and he is a  qualified practitioner.  His clients save time, money and emotional energy when they engage with him in this process.  To find out more see here.

John also operates a professional trustee business which can be found at Applebys Trust Management.

When not lawyering John likes climbing mountains and swimming in the sea, and is sharing his delight in nature with his young family.


PO Box 11339, Ellerslie 1542

  • "We have worked with John Appleby for nearly 2 years. In that time he has been extremely helpful in guiding us through a complicated and often delicate legal process.  He has consistently offered sound, well-reasoned and pragmatic advice.  In the face of a number of frustrations, he has remained steadfast in his commitment to moving our case towards a resolution with skill and patience.  We feel extremely fortunate to have found John and would not hesitate in recommending his services."
    Andrew Gibson